2-Day Wine Tasting Itinerary in St. 海伦娜

  • 行程
  • 德文·帕尔著
  • on OCTOBER 30, 2023
  • 12083
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2-Day Wine Tasting Itinerary in St. 海伦娜

德文·帕尔著 2023年10月30日

Known as “纳帕 Valley’s Main Street,” many consider St. 海伦娜 to be the heart of the region. 它拥有丰富的加州酿酒历史,可以追溯到19世纪,并拥有ag体育正规的第一家商业酿酒厂, 查尔斯·克鲁格, not to mention dozens of charming shops, 餐厅, 和酒店.

Most importantly, St. 海伦娜是许多标志性的精品酒庄的所在地,这将使ag体育正规的任何旅行都是完整的. To help you navigate all that this region has to offer, 我们创建了一个为期两天的品酒行程,将带您参观圣. 海伦娜.


图片由 Heitz地窖

The Salon – 436 St. 海伦娜 Highway, St. 海伦娜,加州94574
The Estate – 500 Taplin Road, St. 海伦娜 CA 94574, (707) 963-2047

Reservations: Required

Kick off your trip to St. 海伦娜带你去海茨酒窖,这里的历史与奢华融为一体. The 19th century winery’s legacy runs deep, 因为这里有大片的葡萄园,出产了纳帕第一批被指定为赤霞珠的葡萄园. Visit their Salon, right in the heart of St. 海伦娜, for the Cabernet-focused Heritage Experience, or venture to the Estate, founded in the late 1800s, to further delve into the rich history of the property. Either way, you’re in for a treat.

内幕消息: If you’re keen on touring the 19th century estate, 预订温泉谷体验或葡萄园到瓶子体验. 这两个项目都包括参观历史悠久的庄园,以及历史悠久的石窖.

路易斯·米. 马提尼酒庄
Martini Park, 图片由 路易斯·米. 马提尼酒庄

254 St. 海伦娜 Highway, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 968-3362

Reservations: Required

这家标志性的酒店最近完成了对其历史悠久的酿酒厂的修复, 始建于1933年,是禁酒令废除后首批开放的酒店之一. Famous for their Cabernet Sauvignon, 路易斯·米. 毫无疑问,马提尼酒庄在纳帕赤霞珠的发展中发挥了重要作用. The winery offers tastings in a variety of indoor 和 outdoor settings. Choose from a flight of seasonal wines that change every three months, in-depth library tastings, or selections of 路易斯·米. Martini’s most popular wines, paired with local delicacies.

内幕消息: For true indulgence, reserve a spot at the Underground Cellar Experience, 你可能已经猜到了,这是在酒庄历史悠久的地下酒窖里举行的,以小批量的葡萄酒为特色,由厨师亚伦·梅内赫利(Aaron Meneghelli)精心策划的搭配.

Refugio Tasting Room – 709 Main Street, St. 海伦娜,加州94574
Enoteca Tasting Room – 1334 Vidovich Lane, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 968-0625


If the name sounds familiar, we wouldn’t be surprised. 克利夫酒吧的创始人正是用同样的聪明才智和对食物的热爱,创立了克利夫家族酒庄. 克里夫家族酒庄 has two different tasting rooms, 一个是欢迎客人的,另一个是留给私人品尝的. Refugio品酒室拥有悠闲的氛围,专注于葡萄酒和食物的搭配, like the King of the Mountain Tasting, which pairs four bites with four Howell Mountain Wines. The Enoteca Tasting Room is reserved for private tastings, like the Estate Tasting Experience, which highlights the winery’s small-production wines.

内幕消息: Check out the Clif Family Bruschetteria 食物 Truck. The truck is typically parked in the heart of St. 海伦娜, just outside their Refugio Tasting Room. The fun menu includes various bruschettas like the Funghi or B.L.T, along with delectable appetizers like polenta tots, 总是用新鲜的, ccof认证的有机应季产品来自克里夫家庭农场.

1000 Main Street, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 963-7777

Reservations: Required for some experiences

Family-owned 和 operated, Merryvale葡萄园的历史建筑是禁酒令废除后在ag体育正规建造的第一个酒庄. 丰富的历史体现在酒庄令人惊叹的花园、酒桶室和葡萄园中. 它的所有者, the Schlatter family, 和 winemaker Andrew Wright, focus on Bordeaux varieties, 采用周到的种植和酿酒厂实践,以确保葡萄酒是世界级的,并反映ag体育正规的风土. 为此,Merryvale葡萄园获得了纳帕绿地和纳帕绿酒厂的认证.

内幕消息: Want a little cheese with that wine? Book the Artisanal Wine & Cheese Tasting for a semi-private, 指导品尝经验,配对梅里维尔葡萄酒与当地采购的奶酪.


2920 Spring Mountain Road, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 968-9229

Reservations: Required

这处房产最初是19世纪中期卡罗琳·贝尔嫁给查尔斯·克鲁格的嫁妆. 目前的主人苏珊和杜安霍夫在购买它时想要承认这一丰富的遗产, 以意大利喜剧《ag体育正规》中一个聪明而意志坚强的女主角命名, which was the inspiration for Cirque du Soleil. The winery is now known for small-production, 由酿酒师海蒂·巴雷特在一个令人惊叹的环境中生产的获奖葡萄酒,其中包括一个300英尺高的泉山洞穴, sprawling vineyard views, 和 luxurious wine experiences. Trust us, it’s beautiful.

内幕消息: Got a favorite quote (yours or someone else’s)? 将其作为“财富软木塞”提交,并将其印在Fantesca的葡萄酒软木塞上.

图片由 贝灵哲酒庄

2000 Main Street, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 257-5771

Reservations: Not required but recommended

Jacob 贝灵哲酒庄 和 his brother Frederick came to 纳帕 from Mainz, 德国, ultimately purchasing 215 acres in 1875, 它将成为现在加州最古老的连续经营的酿酒厂的所在地. 贝灵哲酒庄 would build on this tradition of industry “firsts,” becoming the first to give public tours in 1934, 也是第一家也是唯一一家同时拥有红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒被《AG体育平台》评为年度最佳葡萄酒的酒庄. 一定要参观标志性的莱茵河之家的豪宅,其令人惊叹的彩色玻璃窗和建筑,同时啜饮储备和单葡萄园的葡萄酒.

内幕消息: 为30美元, take the Legacy Cave Tour, 您将在导游的带领下,在老酒庄和历史悠久的隧道中品尝精选的葡萄酒,同时分享贝灵哲丰富的历史和对品质的承诺.

图片由 马卡姆葡萄园

2182 St. 海伦娜 Highway N, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 963-5292

Reservations: Required

这家历史悠久的酒庄在ag体育正规开始酿酒时就开始了. 马卡姆标志性的石窖的最初建造者来自波尔多的纳帕, initially arriving with other Gold Rush pioneers. Instead of gold the winemaker discovered 纳帕’s rich 土壤, perfect for growing wine grapes, 并利用他在葡萄栽培方面的技能,在禁酒令之前成为最大的葡萄生产商之一. After recently undergoing a makeover, 马卡姆的品酒室是一个更美丽的空间,品尝酒庄著名的梅洛. We particularly love the Best of 纳帕 Valley Merlot Tasting, which includes samplings of small lot 和 limited-production Merlots, showcasing how these wines can differ vastly depending on 气候, 土壤, 和海拔.

内幕消息: 如果你碰巧来镇上参加万锦葡萄园的活动,一定要买到门票! 所有 of the winery’s events take place in the historic Stone Cellar, 设有地板到天花板的酒桶和美丽的石头内部. 活动包括与著名厨师共进晚餐,以及制作花环等工艺课程.

北街3070号. 海伦娜 Highway, St. 海伦娜,加州94574, (707) 963-1160

Reservations: Required for all tastings

Trinchero 酒庄 has been family-owned 和 operated since 1948. 他们在现代通风的品酒室里提供多种品酒和体验选择,有明亮的白色家具和大窗户. 我们建议在“酿酒师精选品酒会”上预留一个位置,品尝一下精选的最新发布的葡萄酒, 和 a dessert wine, 搭配行政总厨詹姆斯·霍顿的个人奶酪选择.

内幕消息: If you’re interested in learning how 土壤, 气候, 海拔高度, 和 sun exposure can influence what’s in your glass, sign up for the Taste of Terroir experience, 它的特色是横向品尝四种单葡萄园赤霞珠葡萄酒,来自圣. 海伦娜, Atlas Peak, 和 Mt. Veeder appellations.